Warehouse theme changelog

This page keeps track of all changes that happened in the theme so far. Please note that, per our update policy, we can manually apply a critical bug fix to your theme (just contact us). However, for new features that may be added over time, we do not add those to older themes. If some new features are absolutely vital for you, the simplest way is to perform a complete upgrade.   Click here to learn more about how to upgrade a theme.

  • 2.6.3: from this release, the changelog is now directly visible in the theme store (under the "Support and documentation" tab): https://themes.shopify.com/themes/warehouse
  • 19th January 2022 - 2.6.2: blog posts images in home page section are now honoring original image aspect ratio to prevent cropping.
  • 5th January 2022 - 2.6.1: fixed a German translation issue / add a new block type "Button" for product page allowing to add a standalone button
  • 22nd December 2021 - 2.6.0: the currency selector has been replaced by the new "country selector", which provides better compatibility with the upcoming Shopify Markets feature of Shopify.
  • 17th December 2021 - 2.5.3: prevent the theme to override existing rel values for external links.
  • 19th November 2021 - 2.5.2: improves compatibility with Vimeo for product page video
  • 2nd November 2021 - 2.5.1: fixed an issue where the color swatch would not show on "Color" filter for search page filtering.
  • 28th October 2021 - 2.5.0: adds support for filtering on search page.
  • 18th October 2021 - 2.4.1: fixed a rare edge case with slideshow not resizing properly.
  • 13th October 2021 - 2.4.0: added a new block type on product page called "Text" allowing to add custom text and connect metafields that appear on the right part.
  • 25th September 2021 - 2.3.4: fixed a regression of version 2.3.3 where the login form would still be visible in the popover, even if you are logged in.
  • 24th September 2021 - 2.3.3: add Turkish translation / improves iOS15 compatibility (learn more).
  • 21th September 2021 - 2.3.2: fixed minor translation issues.
  • 9th September 2021 - 2.3.1: added a new "Menu" setting for the "list of collections" section, that allows to use a menu instead of blocks to go around the limitation of 16 blocks. The block approach is still the preferred approach as it allows to override image and text, but the menu can allow to show up to 50 collections.
  • 7th September 2021 - 2.3.0: fix a bug with app block not rendering properly on product page (if you are having this issue on your version, you can reach us at support and we will apply a fix directly) / adds support for the new native "rating" metafield. It allows app (other than the free Shopify Reviews app) to more easily integrate into the theme / fixed a bug where the Shop Pay installments banner would not show.
  • 4th September 2021 - 2.2.0: add a new theme setting to control wether you want to show currency code or not for the price ; add the ability to add a "Quick buy" button on the "Collection with image" section.
  • 31st August 2021 - 2.1.2: fixed an incorrect German translation.
  • 26th August 2021 - 2.1.1: fixed an issue where theme would hang up if merchant explicitly adding a "store pickup" block on their product page without enabling the store pickup on their store.
  • 25th August 2021 - 2.1.0: fixed a regression where the pagination on blog post may not show correctly if you have many blog posts ; remove the "theme.min.js" file (Shopify now automatically minifies JS so it is not needed to ship one pre-minified).
  • 23rd August 2021 - 2.0.2: fixed an issue where the theme would not scroll to the top after changing page if no filters are shown.
  • 17th August 2021 - 2.0.1: fixed an issue where share buttons would not be visible on mobile.
  • 12th August 2021 - 2.0.0: added support for online store 2.0 / added support for improved collection filtering.
  • 30th June 2021 - 1.18.3: improve compatibility for upcoming iOS 15.
  • 15th June 2021 - 1.18.2: fix an issue where the theme could hang up for merchants that have created hundreds of collections / if you refund an order, the refunded amount is now displayed on customer order page.
  • 28th April 2021 - 1.18.0: add support for Shop Pay installments.
  • 13th April 2021 - 1.17.0: add German translation.
  • 7th April 2021 - 1.16.9: fix an invalid link in gift card template.
  • 1st April 2021 - 1.16.8: fix a typo in Norwegian translation.
  • 25th March 2021 - 1.16.7: the theme now uses {{cart.taxes_included}} instead of {{shop.taxes_included}} (more info here: https://shopify.dev/changelog/show-automatic-international-tax-inclusive-prices-using-liquid)
  • 5th March 2021 - 1.16.6: fixed an issue where the dedicated cart page would scroll lower in the page.
  • 23rd February 2021 - 1.16.5: fix a rendering issue for merchants using dark theme (for instance black background with white text)
  • 20th February 2021 - 1.16.4: minor accessibility improvement.
  • 17th February 2021 - 1.16.3: when using the store pickup availability, the theme will no longer show "Default Title" for product without variants.
  • 29th January 2021 - 1.16.2: when using the "list of collections" page template, if a filter by tag is set to a collection link it will now be honored.
  • 26th January 2021 - 1.16.1: set an email type for the newsletter popup instead of text (so that customers entering a non valid email can directly see an error message)
  • 21st January 2021 - 1.16.0: a new preset called "Fabric" has been added (demo here: https://warehouse-theme-fabric.myshopify.com/). Featuring a red accent with darker background, this preset would be the perfect fit for a classy look!)
  • 12th January 2021 - 1.15.4: quick links in collection sidebar now supports up to three levels of links (previously only two was supported).
  • 7th December 2020 - 1.15.3: adds a new search setting allowing to control how sold out products are considered (by default shown at the end, but can also be hidden completely).
  • 13th December 2020 - 1.15.2: adds Norwegian translation.
  • 17th November 2020 - 1.15.1: the theme will now use the "money" standard filter instead of "money_without_trailing_zeros" to be more consistent with how other themes are showing prices. This means that a price that used to be to display as "15$" will now be displayed as "15.00$" / various small accessibility improvements here and there (some missing labels have been added).
  • 6th November 2020 - 1.15.0: add support for the new native subscription feature of Shopify.
  • 4th November 2020 - 1.14.2: fix a small issue in the store pickup code that could lead the modal to not open.
  • 28th October 2020 - 1.14.1: add TikTok as supported social media
  • 24th October 2020 - 1.14.0: add zoom feature on mobile for product images / add support for the store pickup feature.
  • 7th October 2020 - 1.13.0 : add new color settings to control the footer background and text color independently / add a new cart mode called "message": contrary to the drawer mode this will stay on the product page, show a message but does not open the mini-cart.
  • 30th September 2020 - 1.12.6: fix an issue where a blog post could not be shared to Twitter if the blog title contained special characters / make the theme more resilient against apps that remove the dynamic checkout button from the page.
  • 26th September 2020 - 1.12.5: a recent change done by Shopify changed the way of captcha page are recognized in the system, which caused the popup (newsletter or exit popup) to open again if the captcha page is visible : this release updates the code to match with the new Shopify rules.
  • 24th September 2020 - 1.12.4: fixed an issue where the province when editing addresses in account pages would not pre-select the value when the store is set in Japanese.
  • 21st September 2020 - 1.12.3: if a mega-menu link does not contain third-level links, this second level link will now become clickable on mobile instead of trying to open a dropdown without child links.
  • 18th September 2020 - 1.12.2: fixed a regression introduced in the version 1.12.0
  • 17th September 2020 - 1.12.1: fixed a regression introduced in the 1.12.0 version where double clicking on the +/- button in the quantity selector on mobile would cause the page to zoom / the theme will now capitalize the language names in the language selector.
  • 15th September 2020 - 1.12.0: due to popular request, the quantity selector has been redesigned to be easier to use. It no longer uses a dropdown but a simpler input field with +/-, so that large quantity are now easier to type.
  • 13rd September 2020 - 1.11.0: brings several accessibility improvements (modals will now close when hitting Escape key ; some missing aria-controls have been added, add a button when navigation with keyboard that allows to directly skip to the main content ; add some autocomplete attributes ; make sure that SVG are all non-focusable ; add proper aria-role to list).
  • 10th September 2020 - 1.10.7: when doing a search by product type without any search query, the theme will now visually remove the "product_type:" part.
  • 7th September 2020 - 1.10.6: fix an edge case on the cart quantity selector.
  • 4th September 2020 - 1.10.5: make the code more robust so that if a merchant delete the quantity selector code (instead of using the proper theme setting) then the code does not crash.
  • 3rd September 2020 - 1.10.4: the polyfill file is now loaded only on IE11, which helps to remove a request and slightly improve performance.
  • 2nd September 2020 - 1.10.3: improves compatibility with apps that dynamically inject content into a product item in a carousel (the theme will now automatically resize itself to take into account the new content added by the app).
  • 1st September 2020 - 1.10.2: fix a minor regression introduced in the version 1.10.0 / fix an issue where very long tag (more than 2 lines) would cause the cross button on collection page to shrink
  • 30th August 2020 - 1.10.1: the theme will now automatically adds the rel="noopener" attribute to any cross-domain link.
  • 24th August 2020 - 1.10.0: rewrite the way the "cross out" sold out works: unavailable variant works by using a top down approach instead (the order of options now has an influence on how this is calculated) / in the featured collections section, the "Stack vertical products on desktop" has been renamed to "Stack vertical products" and will also apply on mobile.
  • 13rd August 2020 - 1.9.21: fix an edge case where the reference value for unit pricing would not update if one variant would have a reference value of 1.
  • 11st August 2020 - 1.9.20: automatically adds a border around the search bar if the header background is the same as the page background / add a fix to prevent the page to jump on product page due to the product images not being loaded
  • 5th August 2020 - 1.9.19: fix a minor regression introduced in the version 1.9.18.
  • 27th July 2020 - 1.9.18: fix an issue where the line item properties would not be properly shown on the order page.
  • 13rd July 2020 - 1.9.17: fix an issue where an optimization to preload font did not work if a given font does not have an italic variation.
  • 9th July 2020 - 1.9.16: fix an issue where the oversell message would not be shown properly on collection pages.
  • 7th July 2020 - 1.9.15: allows to submit the search with a product type pre-selected, even with an empty query search.
  • 1st July 2020 - 1.9.14: improves the inventory quantity by adding a distinct wording when the product is configured to oversell and that the stock in less or equal 0.
  • 29th June 2020 - 1.9.13: fix an issue where the theme would not show the SKU properly if one variant would contain a SKU but another one would not
  • 19th June 2020 - 1.9.12: improves the "page" cart type by making sure the cart is also fully reloaded if you change the quantity directly through the input field / make sure the theme does not show the exit popup or newsletter popup if the captcha appears.
  • 17th June 2020 - 1.9.11: the "share image" in the theme settings has been removed in favor of the native "Share image" recently added to the Shopify admin. Learn more on how uploading a default share image by clicking here.
  • 16th June 2020 - 1.9.10: remove the ability to upload more than one video on the "Featured video" section in the home page in order to be compliant with rules of the upcoming new theme editor.
  • 12nd June 2020 - 1.9.9: fix an issue for product having one image only (where the thumbnail would open the image in a new tab)
  • 10th June 2020 - 1.9.8: fix a issue introduced in the 1.9.0 that prevented the theme to work in some versions of Firefox Android. If you are affected by the issue please reach us at support.
  • 4th June 2020 - 1.9.7: make the color swatches work out of the box for Portuguese.
  • 2nd June 2020 - 1.9.6: set the width and height for the logo so that modern browsers (last version of Chrome and Firefox) pre-allocate the space for the logo, which prevent any content shifting / slightly improve the performance on modern browser by preloading the first slideshow image.
  • 27th May 2020 - 1.9.5: fixed an issue where an error would be shown in the developer console if the cart type was set to "page" (instead of drawer).
  • 21st May 2020 - 1.9.4: fixed a (hopefully) last regression introduced in the version 1.9.0 where the sort by options would not close correctly after clicking on the "cross" icon on mobile.
  • 20th May 2020 - 1.9.3: fixed a regression introduced in the version 1.9.0 where the dynamic checkout button would show an incorrect background on hover.
  • 19th May 2020 - 1.9.2: fixed a regression introduced in the version 1.9.0 where the fade effect for the slideshow section would slide (instead of fade).
  • 15th May 2020 - 1.9.1: this new version introduces a more aggressive lazyloading that aims to improve (slightly) the performance. Instead of pre-loading low-resolution images that are replaced by high resolution images, this version does not pre-load anything and start loading a high resolution image with visible. This new patterns allows to reduce the number of image requests.
  • 12th May 2020 - 1.9.0: internal rewrites (remove the usage of Sass, refactored the JS code to be bundled in one single file instead of two). No new features nor bug fixes were introduced in this version.
  • 28th March 2020 - 1.8.2: fixed an issue where customer could be logged out on Android devices.
  • 18th March 2020 - 1.8.1: slightly adjust the wording of a setting to be compliant with Shopify official wording
  • 5th March 2020 - 1.8.0: improves the support of multi-language and multi-currencies by moving the selectors to the footer for better discoverability / as per Shopify requirement, removes the theme's built-in currency converter (all merchants must use the native multi-currency feature from now on).
  • 26th February 2020 - 1.7.4: fixed an issue where a logged customer could be logged out just by hovering the "logout" link (instead of clicking on it).
  • 5th February 2020 - 1.7.3: fixed an issue introduced in the 1.7.0 that prevent the image to be shown if an image is attached to a variant.
  • 4th February 2020 - 1.7.2: fix a regression introduced a 1.7.0 that used to show a blue border on color swatches when clicked.
  • 31st January 2020 - 1.7.1: due to Instagram removing the ability to embed images on themes starting from March 2nd 2020, the Instagram section is being removed from the theme ; merchants who would like to continue embedding Instagram images should now use an app / add a Portuguese Brazilian translation / fix an issue with some columns of mega-menu not being visible if the mega-menu contained lot of columns (more than 8-9). Mega-menu containing less columns were not affected.
  • 27th January 2020 - 1.7.0: adding support for media API / adding a new option for collection image to preserve the original ratio (hence preventing it to be cut) / if the "pre-order" alternate template is used, make sure that the pre-order text is also used on collection pages / add new settings to have a finer control over how product content is displayed: you can now choose to collapse all content except product main description, or truncate all content except product main description / add Japanese translation / improves the accessibility of menu
  • 19th November 2019 - 1.6.5: fix an issue introduced in 1.6.0 that would prevent the mega-menu to show up correctly if the menu is set to "condensed".
  • 29th October 2019 - 1.6.4: improves the micro-data schema to provide more info to search engines (you can upgrade your schema by following those instructions).
  • 26th October 2019 - 1.6.3: fix an issue where ordered list in Shopify text editor would show as unordered list (with a dot) / add a new color setting that allows to set a different accent color for the header.
  • 21st October 2019 - 1.6.2: fix a (hopefully last) regression introduced in 1.6.0.
  • 18th October 2019 - 1.6.1: fix a regression introduced in 1.6.0 where products could not be shown in some specific collections.
  • 16th October 2019 - 1.6.0: internal rewriting (no new features nor bug fixes have been introduced in this release, it is mostly internal rewrite to make future upgrades easier).
  • 27th September 2019 - 1.5.1: fix an issue where the links in the search on Safari may not be clickable (this issue has been extremely hard to track down as it does not happen everywhere, but if you are affected and do not want to upgrade you can reach us at support)
  • 24th September 2019 - 1.5.0: add support for the "unit price" / due to recent restrictions of browsers on autoplay video that contain sound, the "autoplay" setting on video section has been removed, as none of current browsers support that anymore / fix an issue with the "pre-order" template not working correctly if product has more than 1 variant / fix a bug where the navigation could be stuck after moving the mouse out the menu
  • 18th September 2019 - 1.4.7: fix an IE11 compatibility issue where products would appear too big on collection pages
  • 17th September 2019 - 1.4.6: improves the layout on mobile for product that do not have any product images / re-write the way the search results are shown on the dedicated "search results page", which should remove some edge cases if you have a lot of blog results appearing along product results.
  • 12nd September 2019 - 1.4.5: an "a" letter was added by mistake in the Instagram section in previous section... this release fixes the typo.
  • 10th September 2019 - 1.4.4: improved the mega-menu by making it scrollable if it contains a lot of links and can't be seen completely / improves the navigation on tablet in landscape mode: if your navigation contains dropdown menu it will now be much easier to use on such devices.
  • 6th September 2019 - 1.4.3: fix a bug where the announcement bar positioning would not be respected if a link would be set / improve the quantity selector on mobile for cart and mini-cart, by now showing the number keyboard instead of standard keyboard
  • 3rd September 2019 - 1.4.2: fix an issue where the shipping estimator on dedicated product page would not work on Safari (if affected by this issue please contact us at support directly) / fix a bug where the announcement bar positioning was not respected if a link would be filled
  • 29th August 2019 - 1.4.1: fix another minor typo in Spanish translation / fix an issue where sold out variants would not be crossed out if there is only one option / make sure the inventory is not visible on collection pages if the product template is set to "pre-order"
  • 28th August 2019 - 1.4.0: improve the menu by implementing an improved heuristic that prevent the dropdown to be closed immediately when the customer performs a diagonal movement with mouse / fix an issue on iOS devices where the page would be zoomed a bit when using the quantity selector on product pages / fix two typos in the Spanish built-in translation / fix an issue where automatic vendor collection URL (those that looks like /collections/vendors?q=brand) could not be further filtered by tag (this issue was due to a recent change in Shopify platform) / fix an issue where the "recently viewed products" section title couldn't be changed / due to popular demand, the logic on how we handle dropdown links have been changed: if you have configured the dropdown menu to open on hover, then the parent link will now be clickable and respect the link set in the navigation section (to prevent click, you can use the special link #) ; if you have configured the dropdown menu to open on click, then the first click on parent link will open the dropdown menu, while the second click will redirect to the specified page.
  • 22nd August 2019 - 1.3.4: replaces some h1 by h2 to avoid having more than one h1 (although this has absolutely no impact nowadays as multiple h1 is perfectly possible since HTML5, this allows to remove some warnings on SEO apps)
  • 21st August 2019 - 1.3.3: fix an incorrect setting name for the exit popup / add the prefix "SKU" to SKU on product pages to make it clearer about the intent.
  • 20th August 2019 - 1.3.2: removes the popup by default when you install the theme to comply with Shopify rules (you now need to manually enable it) / fix a bug where the dropdown menu would not properly overlap content in some rare circumstances / fix an issue with the line item properties not being shown in cart
  • 14th August 2019 - 1.3.1: hide the inventory automatically if the "pre-order" alternate template is selected to reduce confusion / slightly improves Japanese localization by reversing automatically first name / last name in account pages
  • 13rd August 2019 - 1.3.0: allow to add quick view button on "recently viewed" and "recommended products" sections / fix an issue that could arise on Chrome where, if too many products are added to the cart, the checkout button could be hidden (if you are experiencing this issue, please reach us at support) / add the InstantPage library to the theme, which allows to have nearly-instant page rendering by preloading pages when you hover a link you are likely to visit (this only works on Chrome for now but support for other browsers will expand in the future)
  • 9th August 2019 - 1.2.0: add a new option for mosaic and promotion blocks sections to choose the positioning of text / fix an issue with the "image with text" section when a PNG is used as an image / fix an issue with the theme crashing if no navigation menu is used at all in the header (very rare case).
  • 6th August 2019 - 1.1.0: add a new setting that allows to make the product images larger on desktop / hide navigation dot on slideshow section if there is only one slide / add a new setting allowing to display 3 products per row on collection pages on desktop (in addition to the default of 4 per row) / add a new optional setting that allows to collapse the collection description if it is too long
  • 1st August 2019 - 1.0.1: fix an issue with the cookie bar that could overlap the filter bar on collection pages
  • 1st August 2019 - 1.0.0: initial release