Updating your theme

We constantly release new updates to our themes. This might include minor bug fixes, new sections, or compatibility with new features introduced by Shopify.

On Shopify, theme updates are lifetime free. You can update your theme to the latest version for free if you have a valid theme license.

There are different kinds of updates. You can learn more about theme updates on Shopify documentation.

If you have manually imported the ZIP or downloaded the theme from an unauthorized source (such as Fiverr, Facebook...), you are not eligible for any theme update. You will also need to purchase the theme through the Theme Store to continue the theme.

Automatic updates

If your theme is eligible for automatic update, Shopify will automatically update your theme to the latest version and display a message in your theme list. You are eligible for automatic update only if your theme fulfills the following conditions:

  • You have not edited the code from the code editor
  • You have not hired a developer who edited your code
  • You have not installed any app that has edited the code on your behalf

Manual updates

If your theme is not eligible for automatic updates, Shopify might show you a message similar to this:

By clicking "Add to theme library," Shopify will duplicate the new version as an unpublished theme. While content and templates will be copied, you will need to manually re-apply any custom codes (which include JS, CSS, or Liquid) by yourself. Our support team does not provide any assistance for that.

You can also hire a Shopify Expert if you prefer to have someone doing it for you.

Unsupported updates

If you use a very old version of our theme (before Prestige 6.0), an upgrade is not directly supported.

To upgrade, you must re-download the theme from the Theme Store. As long as you purchased the theme, downloading the new version is free.