Prestige theme changelog

This page keeps track of all changes that happened in the theme so far. Please note that, per our update policy, we can manually apply a critical bug fix to your theme (a critical bug fix is an issue that prevent your store to work completely). However, for new features that may be added over time, we do not add those to older themes. If some new features are absolutely vital for you, the simplest way is to perform a complete upgrade.   Click here to learn more about how to upgrade a theme.

  • 5.6.2: from this release, the changelog is now directly visible in the theme store (under the "Support and documentation" tab):
  • 18th January 2022 - 5.6.1: fixed an issue where the search detailed page would not show up blog post results.
  • 22nd December 2021 - 5.6.0: the currency selector has been replaced by the new "country selector", which provides better compatibility with the upcoming Shopify Markets feature of Shopify.
  • 10th December 2021 - 5.5.0: add a new "Liquid" block type on product section.
  • 12th November 2021 - 5.4.3: fixed an issue where the remaining balance for gift card balance may not be shown properly.
  • 28th October 2021 - 5.4.1: fixed a small regression introduced in 5.4.0
  • 28th October 2021 - 5.4.0: adds support for filtering on search page.
  • 21th October 2021 - 5.3.6: fixed an edge case where the store pickup would not show up under rare circumstances
  • 4th October 2021 - 5.3.5: fixed an issue where the popover would not close as it used to be if you re-click on the toggle button.
  • 28th September 2021 - 5.3.4: fixed an issue where an incorrect link is set for the "Read more" button in blog post search results.
  • 24th September 2021 - 5.3.3: improve iOS15 compatibility (learn more).
  • 14th September 2021 - 5.3.2: make sure the "review count" in the review tab is using the metafield properly.
  • 11th September 2021 - 5.3.1: fixed a very rare case to prevent the theme from crashing if a merchant would manually remove the prices from the theme code.
  • 7th September 2021 - 5.3.0: adds support for the new native "rating" metafield. It allows app (other than the free Shopify Reviews app) to more easily integrate into the theme / add a new "enable currency code" setting allowing to show the currency code (for instance "$ 25.00 USD" instead of "$ 25.00").
  • 3rd September 2021 - 5.2.0: adds a new "Custom Liquid" section that allows you to create advanced customizations through Liquid code.
  • 31st August 2021 - 5.1.2: fixed an issue where the button text color would turn to white on hover on the "Collection list" section if the "Show button transition" setting is turned off.
  • 28th August 2021 - 5.1.1: the "quantity selector" was hidden by default to match our demo store (which does not show it), however it caused confusion to merchant so this version enables the quantity selector out of the box.
  • 25th August 2021 - 5.1.0: add a new "text" setting for product page, allowing to add custom text (optionally connected to metafield) on the right part of the product page.
  • 23rd August 2021 - 5.0.5: fixed an issue where collection list configured in non-stacked mode to not show when added on sections other than the home page.
  • 20th August 2021 - 5.0.4: fixed an issue with the product recommendation section showing even if Shopify does not return any recommendations (which can happen for stores with zero orders)
  • 19th August 2021 - 5.0.3: fixed an issue where the "Reset" button on filters was not correctly visible.
  • 17th August 2021 - 5.0.2: fix an issue where color swatches configured using the new setup would not show up in collection page ; make the code more resilient so that it does not break if merchant remove the "Variant selector" from the product block (you should however make sure to never remove it).
  • 12th August 2021 - 5.0.1: when using the "page.collections" alternate template, it will default to "Selected" mode instead of showing all collections.
  • 11th August 2021 - 5.0.0: added support for online store 2.0 / added support for improved collection filtering.
  • 6th July 2021 - 4.14.5: improve compatibility for upcoming iOS 15.
  • 23rd June 2021 - 4.14.4: fixed an edge case that would cause JavaScript to crash when using different reference value for unit pricing / a collection image can now be shown without collection info.
  • 11th June 2021 - 4.14.3: allow the rich text section to show content without heading.
  • 9th June 2021 - 4.14.2: fixed a regression introduced in version 4.14.0 that prevented the shop the look products to be scrollable on mobile / fixed a typo in Spanish translation.
  • 20th May 2021 - 4.14.1: fixed an edge case where tags having an incorrect format like "_TAG" would create an empty group.
  • 12th May 2021 - 4.14.0: add support for Shop Pay installments / add Italian translation / minor accessibility improvements.
  • 15th February 2021 - 4.13.0: added a Spanish translation.
  • 11th February 2021 - 4.12.5: small accessibility improvements: color swatch are now focusable with the keyboard.
  • 27th January 2021 - 4.12.4: fixes a small issue when switching from mobile to desktop size (not a real life situation though)
  • 5th January 2021 - 4.12.3: add a new setting for the background video section that prevents video to be cut (this is now the default)
  • 17th December 2020 - 4.12.2: fixes an issue where the province selector for address would not work if the theme is set to Japanese.
  • 11th December 2020 - 4.12.1: fixes an issue that prevented more than 1 Vimeo background video to run simultaneously.
  • 9th December 2020 - 4.12.0: adds German translation / improves the color carousel: if a second option changes then the images in the carousel are reflected.
  • 5th November 2020 - 4.11.0: add support for the new native subscription feature of Shopify.
  • 4th November 2020 - 4.10.0: add support for local pickup on product pages.
  • 31st October 2020 - 4.9.11: added some more styles to the policy pages.
  • 24th October 2020 - 4.9.10: add TikTok as supported social media icon.
  • 1st October 2020 - 4.9.9: the collection list items are now completely clickable (previously, only the button was clickable).
  • 30th September 2020 - 4.9.8: fix a minor issue introduced in 4.9.0
  • 21st September 2020 - 4.9.7: changes the default sensitivity of slideshow to be a little less sensitive.
  • 3rd September 2020 - 4.9.6: fix an issue on Instagram web browser where the slideshow could become taller than expected
  • 1st September 2020 - 4.9.5: fix an issue with tags containing two underscores would create an empty group in the collection filters.
  • 28th August 2020 - 4.9.4: fix a regression introduced in the version 4.9.0 that prevented the background of the "review" button on mobile to be shown correctly.
  • 24th August 2020 - 4.9.3: update the preset of Vogue to match the updated demo store.
  • 18th August 2020 - 4.9.2: add Japanese translation.
  • 13rd August 2020 - 4.9.1: fix an edge case where the reference value for unit pricing would not update if one variant would have a reference value of 1.
  • 11th August 2020 - 4.9.0: remove the dependency to Sass (the CSS file is now a plain .css file) in order to be compliant with the upcoming deprecation of Sass in Shopify platform.
  • 27th July 2020 - 4.8.2: disable the page transition effect by default (it can still be enabled in the theme settings)
  • 7th July 2020 - 4.8.1: minor internal rewrite.
  • 22nd June 2020 - 4.8.0: add support for unit pricing.
  • 17th June 2020 - 4.7.3: the "share image" in the theme settings has been removed in favor of the native "Share image" recently added to the Shopify admin. Learn more on how uploading a default share image by clicking here / add an optional setting on product page to show a "tax notice" when tax is included.
  • 25th April 2020: 4.7.2: fix an issue with the links in gift card URL being invalid.
  • 18th March 2020 - 4.7.1: slightly adjust the wording of a setting to be compliant with Shopify official wording
  • 4th March 2020 - 4.7.0: improves the support of multi-language and multi-currencies by moving the selectors to the footer for better discoverability / as per Shopify requirement, removes the theme's built-in currency converter (all merchants must use the native multi-currency feature from now on).
  • 18th February 2020 - 4.6.5: fix an issue where the navigation dot may not be properly visible on product page if the image list was set to carousel.
  • 13rd February 2020 - 4.6.4: adds more CSS classes to make it easier for developers to style some elements.
  • 5th February 2020 - 4.6.3: fixed an issue introduced in the 4.6.0 that prevent the image to be shown if an image is attached to a variant.
  • 4th February 2020 - 4.6.2: add back the review count (that has been removed in the 4.6.0 due to a change in how Shopify Reviews free app generated the metafield value). If you are experiencing the review showing a count of 0, you can fix it yourself by following those instructions.
  • 31st January 2020 - 4.6.1: due to Instagram removing the ability to embed images on themes starting from March 2nd 2020, the Instagram section is being removed from the theme ; merchants who would like to continue embedding Instagram images should now use an app.
  • 29th January 2020 - 4.6.0: add support for media API
  • 19th November 2019 - 4.5.5: add a new "cart:refresh" event that allows developers to force a refresh of the cart drawer (which allows to simpler customization).
  • 12nd November 2019 - 4.5.4: fix an issue on the password page where the share links were not working correctly.
  • 5th November 2019 - 4.5.3: fix an issue where the content in the collection list section on mobile could overlap the navigation dots if the content was positioned at the bottom.
  • 1st November 2019 - 4.5.2:  improves the micro-data schema to provide more info to search engines (you can upgrade your schema by following those instructions) / fix an issue introduced in the 4.5.0 where the "buy it with" would not lead to the correct related product link.
  • 21st October 2019 - 4.5.1: fix a regression introduced in 4.5.0 where the product color swatch on collection pages would not be clickable.
  • 16th October 2019 - 4.5.0: internal rewriting (no new features nor bug fixes have been introduced in this release, it is mostly internal rewrite to make future upgrades easier).
  • 26th September 2019 - 4.4.5: fix an issue of iOS13 / Safari 13 where the back button would not always work / the share buttons icons are now visible by default (they required to be hover in the past) / hide the "More information" button if the images are configured to not stack.
  • 25th September 2019 - 4.4.4: fix an issue where the combination Ctrl + click would not open the links in a new tab as expected (only on Windows, Mac is not affected) / fix a compatibility issue with iOS13 where image list could be hard to scroll (people affected by this issue can also find the instructions to fix it yourself by clicking here).
  • 10th September 2019 - 4.4.3: fix an issue where the product labels could be shown in two lines instead of one in some versions of Chrome / fix a typo in the French translation
  • 20th August 2019 - 4.4.2: fix a minor issue when the placeholder color of the newsletter box in footer could have an incorrect color
  • 14th August 2019 - 4.4.1: slightly improves Japanese localization by reversing automatically first name / last name in account pages
  • 13rd July 2019 - 4.4.0: the "content position" for slideshow and collection list will now also apply for mobile and not only for desktop / fix an issue where the mega-menu would not be closed if opening the search / fix an issue where the theme could show a blank screen if some incorrect HTML would be outputted in the product description
  • 30th July 2019 - 4.3.3: fixes an issue where the search would not close automatically if the mini-cart is open.
  • 18th July 2019 - 4.3.2: removes "Maestrooo" copyright to comply with new Shopify rules.
  • 17th July 2019 - 4.3.1: uses the new "routes" Liquid object to handle language-aware URL.
  • 27th June 2019 - 4.3.0: adds support for the native multi-currencies that has been added recently by Shopify (only for users using "Shopify Payments").
  • 26th June 2019 - 4.2.1: fixed a compatibility issue on the "powered by Shopify" link added in the footer.
  • 12nd June 2019 - 4.2.0: add support for new "automatic discount": when an automatic discount is applied, the discount will directly be visible in the cart page.
  • 20th May 2019 - 4.1.0: add support for native Shopify "recommendations", which replace the old "related products" section.
  • 24th April 2019 - 4.0.4: fix an issue where the prices were not converted to select currency after applying tag filters / fix an issue with country not being selected for some specific countries whose name didn't match the value.
  • 8th April 2019 - 4.0.3: fixes an issue introduced in the new v4 search which could cause extra blank space to be added.
  • 4th April 2019 - 4.0.2: uses a new technique (currently only available in Chrome) that prevent the product description to overlap next section in the case where content is dynamically added to the description (through the use of an app for instance).
  • 3rd April 2019 - 4.0.1: fixes an issue that appeared on v4 with color swatch showing incorrectly on collection pages.
  • 2nd April 2019 - 4.0.0: add a new option to show icons instead of text in the header / add a new option to show the logo on the left / redesign the search to simpler visually / share icons on product pages for desktop has been redesigned / search icon is now always visible on mobile / share buttons on product pages for desktop has been simplified / color swatches are now uploaded to the "Files" folder instead of the "Assets" folder / fix an issue with the JOD currency converter.
  • 26th February 2019 - 3.3.7: slightly improves the initial loading performance by using the new font-display property in CSS, which allows browsers to display a default font if the custom font takes too much time to load.
  • 20th February 2019 - 3.3.6: fix an issue where the cart could be shown as empty when hitting back button in some browsers.
  • 19th February 2019 - 3.3.5: fix an issue with the UAH currency showing strange characters.
  • 22nd January 2019 - 3.3.4: fixed a bug where collection images were not properly cropped at the center on "collection list" page
  • 16th January 2019 - 3.3.3: add the ILS currency to the currency converter.
  • 15th January 2019 - 3.3.2: fix a potential issue with the color carousel showing the max price instead of the min price / fix a potential issue when rendering on Instagram in-app browser.
  • 10th January 2019 - 3.3.1: fix an issue in microdata to prevent an error to appear in Google Rich Snippet tool.
  • 8th January 2019 - 3.3.0: add a new setting to allow removing the border on transparent header.
  • 4th January 2019 - 3.2.1: fix an issue where product images on collection pages could show smaller when the screen is resized.
  • 21st December 2018 - 3.2.0: use the new "collection.sort_options" property in Liquid to display collection sort options.
  • 17th December 2018 - 3.1.2: fixed an issue with additional checkout buttons not working if manually added to the cart section template.
  • 11st December 2018 - 3.1.1: custom inputs like checkbox created in the code will no longer be hidden by the theme's code.
  • 6th December 2018 - 3.1.0: dynamic checkout button is now enabled by default / add a new setting to turn off transition effect on all buttons.
  • 29th November 2018 - 3.0.0: adds a new setting (turned off by default) to prevent the stacking of product images on desktop. You can therefore now decide between stacking images (original behavior, and still the default) and showing images horizontally in a more standard slideshow layout / now uses a block-based approach for the "list of collections" page, that make it easier to choose which collections should appear on this page / the "free shipping minimum amount" is now a simpler text field, which allows to enter any amount (instead of being limited to 1000 previously, which was still too low for some currencies like Japanese Yen) / if a slideshow link is set without a button text, the whole slide will now become clickable instead of ignoring the link / added a fix to make the theme more resilient against any kind of custom content (including float elements).
  • 22nd October 2018 - 2.0.5: fix an issue where the text for timeline section would not appear centered in some specific circumstances / add a setting to remove the overlay on collection image for collection pages.
  • 3rd October 2018 - 2.0.4: fix an issue with the currency converter not handling correctly KWD currency.
  • 3rd October 2018 - 2.0.3: fix alignment of checkout button on dedicated cart page.
  • 27th September 2018 - 2.0.2: fix an issue with the new size swatch not working properly under some circumstances / improve compatibility with the "amount_with_comma_separator" money format.
  • 24th September 2018 - 2.0.1: improve the color swatch feature by automatically adding a border if the color is named "white" so that it's easier to see on white background.
  • 22nd September 2018 - 2.0.0: add a new, beautiful color and size swatches that can be used on product pages and featured product section, instead of the standard dropdown selectors.
  • 18th September 2018 - 1.4.0: add a new product alternate template called "product.coming-soon" which hides price on collection pages and remove the ability to add the product to cart / fixed an issue with slideshow on IE11.
  • 14th September 2018 - 1.3.1: fix a bug where the conversion of hiragana to katakana/kanji for Japanese language would not properly reload the search results for the live search.
  • 10th September 2018 - 1.3.0: improve the featured video section so that it works even if the "data saver" mode is enabled on Chrome mobile browser / improve the color swatches on collection pages so that after selecting a color, clicking on the product page directly scroll to the associated variant image instead of showing the featured image / improve collection image quality on mobile on collection pages / add a new setting to allow removing the price shown in add to cart button on product pages / increase the limit of the free shipping cart from 100 to 1000.
  • 4th September 2018 - 1.2.4: fix an issue where BHD (Bahrein Dinar) converted amounts were incorrect / improve accessibility by adding some missing aria-label and title attributes.
  • 30th August 2018 - 1.2.3: fix a typo in the French translation / fix an issue that could result for some tag that are not supposed to be shown to be visible in the "group" filter mode.
  • 23rd August 2018 - 1.2.2: fix an issue on collection page where switching image using the color swatch feature would result in extra empty space added / prevent the newsletter popup to show up on captcha page / fix an issue to only wrap iframe around a video class for iframe that are either YouTube or Vimeo, which should improve compatibility with other embed code.
  • 15th August 2018 - 1.2.1: prevent the theme to crash if the "featured collections" section is added on home page without choosing any collection at all.
  • 10th August 2018 - 1.2.0: fix an issue where the slideshow image would not display if the window was resized from mobile to desktop (and vice versa) / improved the slideshow so that buttons can be displayed without having to specify a heading or sub-heading / add new settings to slideshow to position the content on desktop in bottom right or middle right / add a new setting to display the vendor on collection pages / disabling the "show image effect" will now not only disable the initial zoom load, but also the zoom on hover effect.
  • 2nd August 2018 - 1.1.12: force the dynamic checkout button to be disabled when the alternate "pre-order" template is selected.
  • 31st July 2018 - 1.1.11: fix an issue where the image aspect ratio would not be changed on collection page when using the "color swatch" feature, hence resulting in distorted images if your images have a different aspect ratio.
  • 25th July 2018 - 1.1.10: we have identified an issue where the Facebook Pixel "AddToCart" event was not fired. After inspection with Shopify, it appears that the issue is coming from the Shopify native Facebook Pixel integration which is not recognizing properly the code we are using to add a product to cart. However, we were told the fix could take several weeks to be implemented, so in the meantime, we have adjusted to code to use a different code (slightly longer and more complex) until the issue can be fixed at the root. If you are experiencing an issue with the AddToCart event, please reach us to our support and we will be happy to apply this code for you.
  • 24th July 2018 - 1.1.9: add a new setting to controlling the logo width on mobile / fixed an issue with the parallax effect on collection pages revealing solid color when disabling the sticky header.
  • 19th July 2018 - 1.1.8: make it easier to remove the "Theme by Maestrooo".
  • 18th July 2018 - 1.1.7: adds an experimental feature to improve compatibility on modern browser with apps which would dynamically add content before and/or after the add to cart button.
  • 17th July 2018 - 1.1.6: fix an issue where the order details on account pages would display a Liquid error on cancelled orders.
  • 11st July 2018 - 1.1.5: fix an issue that would make the theme crash completely if the slideshow didn't contain any slide / add a new setting that allows to show headings on mobile for the featured product section / improves compatibility with the AdRoll official app.
  • 7th July 2018 - 1.1.4: add the BWP currency to the currency converter.
  • 5th July 2018 - 1.1.3: fix an issue that would prevent the contact form to be submitted if it contained custom fields without titles.
  • 2nd July 2018 - 1.1.2: the theme is now bundled with the unminified JS ; while it is not used by default, advanced developers could now edit some parts of the code / the theme no longer adds a black line for active page when the transparent header is used, which provides a better visual result.
  • 29th June 2018 - 1.1.1: fix an issue where some wording in the cart page were not translatable.
  • 28th June 2018 - 1.1.0: add support for the new Shopify payment icons on footer / add a new setting to move the description below add to cart button on product pages / fix a bug where the variant options would not be scrollable on mobile if there were too many options to fit on the whole screen / improves the currency converter to handle the "amount_with_comma_separator" base format / add an "on sale" label on collection pages when product is on sale / fix an issue where the newsletter popup was not displayed on other pages than home page even if the setting "only show on home page" was disabled.
  • 14th June 2018 - 1.0.5: fix an issue where the mobile slideshow image would be cropped even if the option "show full-screen images" was disabled.
  • 14th June 2018 - 1.0.4: fix a bug where the article toolbar would leave an unexpected gap if the sticky header is disabled / fix an issue where color swatch on iOS devices would render incorrectly.
  • 11st June 2018 - 1.0.3: fix a bug where the drawer elements (sidebar menu and collection filters) would be hard to scroll on iOS devices if the content was too long.
  • 8th June 2018 - 1.0.2: fix a bug where the second unique tab would not pull the correct content / fix issue in the currency converter for some currencies (like RUB)
  • 5th June 2018 - 1.0.1: fix an issue where the shop the look products were not centered on tablet / make video appears bigger for the "featured video" section on home page / added dedicated settings to control the newsletter popup colors / fix an issue where the setting "page" for cart would not properly work / properly hide order notes on dedicated cart page if the setting is disabled.
  • 1st June 2018 - 1.0.0: initial release