Focal theme changelog

This page keeps track of all changes that happened in the theme so far. Please note that, per our update policy, we can manually apply a critical bug fix to your theme (just contact us). However, for new features that may be added over time, we do not add those to older themes (this takes a lot of time and is error prone). If some new features are absolutely vital for you, the simplest way is to perform a complete upgrade.  Click here to learn more about how to upgrade a theme.

  • 8.7.6: from this release, the changelog is now directly visible in the theme store (under the "Support and documentation" tab):
  • 14th January 2022 - 8.7.5: fixed an issue where the Spotify social media would not work / fixed an issue where logo list section would not show up on mobile if the logo height is less than 15px.
  • 9th January 2022 - 8.7.3: fixed an issue where the mobile slideshow image can be cropped even if the "Original aspect ratio" is turned on.
  • 5th January 2022 - 8.7.2: trust icons on product pages will now show up even if you do not have any product description / fixed an issue when clicking very fast to switch between product images on product pages would not work correctly.
  • 23rd December 2021 - 8.7.1: add a new setting for the "Text with icon" section to control the width of custom icons.
  • 22nd December 2021 - 8.7.0: the currency selector has been replaced by the new "country selector", which provides better compatibility with the upcoming Shopify Markets feature of Shopify.
  • 17th December 2021 - 8.6.1: fixed an edge case where the price would not be updated when changing variant if a merchant configure their product page to show selectors without any "buy buttons".
  • 16th December 2021 - 8.6.0: add a new general cart icon setting that will change the cart icon everywhere (including in quick buy icon) / automatically hide the shipping estimator on cart page if the cart does not contain any shippable products (only gift card) / add a new setting to prevent cropping of collection image on collection page / fixed an extremely rare edge case where the theme would crash if a merchant would add a "multi-column" section without specifying any content at all inside the section.
  • 4th December 2021 - 8.5.2: fixed an edge case where collection title may appear reversed under (extremely rare) circumstances.
  • 3rd December 2021 - 8.5.1: fixed an issue where video would not autoplay on mobile if overlaid content is also defined.
  • 30th November 2021 - 8.5.0: fixes an issue for the policy page where the incorrect container width was used / adds Google micro-data for the "Website" property / add the autocomplete="email" attribute on login pages to help password app to autofill more accurately.
  • 26th November 2021 - 8.4.4: improves the mega-menu detection so that it matches menu even if the menu item contains empty space at left or right.
  • 20th November 2021 - 8.4.3: add a new setting to control the text alignment on "Image with text" section / add a new setting to control the width of images in the "Multi-column" section.
  • 19th November 2021 - 8.4.2: fixed an issue where the text on top of videos when autoplay mode is enabled would not show as expected.
  • 16th November 2021 - 8.4.1: fixed an issue on Samsung Android browser where this browser recognizes itself as a mouse browser device instead of hover device which prevented the quick shop to work properly on this browser.
  • 10th November 2021 - 8.4.0: add a brand new preset called Quartz / added a new setting allowing to control the thickness of all icons / added a new setting allowing to choose among three pre-defined icons for the cart / added a new setting allowing to override add to cart button color on product pages / added Finnish translation / added Swedish translation.
  • 20th October 2021 - 8.3.0: changed the type of the "Text" block in product page from "text" to "rich text", which allows to connect more than one metafield / fixed an issue where the success message would not show up properly when trying to recovering account password.
  • 19th October 2021 - 8.2.4: fixed an issue where HTML in currency formatting would display an incorrect value in the "free shipping bar".
  • 18th October 2021 - 8.2.3: fixed an issue for the newsletter section where the background image may look slightly pixellated on larger screens.
  • 15th October 2021 - 8.2.2: fixed a few extra visual glitches for the "Logo center, search highlighted" navigation type.
  • 15th October 2021 - 8.2.1: fixed an issue where an extra padding was added on the "Logo center, search highlighted" navigation type.
  • 12th October 2021 - 8.2.0: add a new block of type "Image" on product page, which can be used to add for instance a trust icon below add to cart button / fixed an issue where the size chart would not show up in quick view if you open more than 2 quick views on the same page.
  • 9th October 2021 - 8.1.7: fixed an edge case where the "hide sold out variants" setting would not properly hide the option in mobile when the "dropdown" mode is selected.
  • 8th October 2021 - 8.1.6: added Arabic translation / fixed an issue where the announcement bar would show an incorrect animation when the "auto-play" setting is turned off.
  • 7th October 2021 - 8.1.5: fixed an issue where changing the color on collection page would cause broken image transition if the image mode is set to "Tall" or "Square" ratio.
  • 6th October 2021 - 8.1.4: add a setting to allow hiding page title / fix an issue where the announcement bar was left aligned if there was only one message / fix an issue where the product sticky form would appear incorrectly aligned if no announcement bar is activated.
  • 4th October 2021 - 8.1.3: minor change to solve an extremely rare situation where links in footer could overflow and cause horizontal scrolling / fixed an issue where the image zoom could show "Image could not be loaded" error under some screen size.
  • 2nd October 2021 - 8.1.2: minor visual improvements for merchants configuring their theme with dark colors (such as black background).
  • 1st October 2021 - 8.1.1: fixed an issue where the "Image with text block" section would load a lower resolution image when configured in "boxed mode", which may caused the image to looks slightly blurry.
  • 30th September 2021 - 8.1.0: add a new "Recently viewed products" section / shows the unit pricing on the sticky form on desktop.
  • 29th September 2021 - 8.0.3: fixed an issue where the mega-menu could create horizontal bar on Windows machine.
  • 28th September 2021 - 8.0.2: fixed an issue where the link to tag in blog post page generates an incorrect URL / make sure unit pricing shows in predictive search / allow the slideshow to be fully clickable if only the button 1 link is entered / add Norwegian translation / add Polish translation.
  • 25th September 2021 - 8.0.1: fixed an issue where payment method icons would not wrap on cart page if they filled more than one row.
  • 24th September 2021 - 8.0.0: a completely new, redesign version of Focal is coming soon. It should be released around 20-25th September!
  • 18th March 2020 - 7.6.1: slightly adjust the wording of a setting to be compliant with Shopify official wording
  • 16th February - 7.6.0: improves the support of multi-language and multi-currencies by moving the selectors to the footer for better discoverability / as per Shopify requirement, removes the theme's built-in currency converter (all merchants must use the native multi-currency feature from now on).
  • 7th February 2020 - 7.5.0: add support for media API.
  • 17th July 2019 - 7.4.1: uses the new "routes" Liquid object to handle language-aware URL.
  • 20th May 2019 - 7.4.0: add support for native Shopify "recommendations", which replace the old "related products" section / add support for new "automatic discount": when an automatic discount is applied, the discount will directly be visible in the cart page.
  • 21st December 2018 - 7.3.0: use the new "collection.sort_options" property in Liquid to display collection sort options.
  • 6th December 2018 - 7.2.0: dynamic checkout button is now enabled by default.
  • 23rd July 2018 - 7.1.1: fix an issue where a Liquid error regarding a Google font snippet was visible on the password template.
  • 28th June 2018 - 7.1.0: add support for the new Shopify payment icons on footer.
  • 30th May 2018 - 7.0.0: adds support for the new font picker theme setting which gives access to hundreds of fonts / fix an issue where the single quote used in the map section would cause the theme to break / adds a new rich text setting for all newsletter settings so you can include a link to your terms of privacy (useful for the new GPRD regulations).
  • 4th April 2018 - 6.1.0: add support for the new dynamic checkout button.
  • 22nd February 2018 - 6.0.1: fixed an issue with the best selling sort order.
  • 3rd February 2018 - 6.0.0: improve performance by using lazy loading of images / add two new sections to the theme: map and featured product.
  • 17th January 2018 - 5.2.1: fixes a issue with Instagram image not displaying (which is due to a breaking change in Instagram API). For customers that are being affected by this issue on an older version, you can find instructions here on how to manually fix Instagram without having to upgrade the whole theme.
  • 8th January 2018 - 5.2.0: add support for the new nested menu feature of Shopify
  • 10th November 2017 - 5.1.4: use new way to display inventory.
  • 2nd October 2017 - 5.1.3: now uses a smaller image if secondary image is displayed on hover for products.
  • 16th September 2017 - 5.1.2: fixes a recent breakage of Instagram to make sure that images are still squared.
  • 30th July 2017 - 5.1.1: improve compatibility for the upcoming navigation system.
  • 25th July 2017 - 5.1.0: use the new "range" setting in various places of the theme, for easier editing.
  • 5th July 2017 - 5.0.15: fix an issue where the terms and conditions page on cart page was not properly extracted.
  • 27th June 2017 - 5.0.14: fix an issue with the top bar when no text is specified on the left.
  • 9th May 2017 - 5.0.13: fix a bug in activate account template where hitting Enter button would decline the invite by default instead of accepting it.
  • 5th May 2017 - 5.0.12: fix a wrong name for a typography.
  • 7th April 2017 - 5.0.11: fix a potential issue that could lead in very rare circumstances the deletion of home page sections.
  • 4th April 2017 - 5.0.10: allow support for Vimeo videos on homepage section.
  • 23rd March 2017 - 5.0.9: fix an issue when sorting vendor collection if the vendor name contained a "&" character.
  • 3rd January 2017 - 5.0.8: fix a bug when infinite scrolling is used on collection pages that have a description.
  • 30th January 2017 - 5.0.7: fix a bug in the "page.collections" template where an incorrect collection image size was used.
  • 28th January 2017 - 5.0.6: fix a bug where the logo could appear stretched on mobile.
  • 21st January 2017 - 5.0.5: fix a bug where the currency conversion did not properly convert prices on product pages for products with multiple variants.
  • 3rd January 2017 - 5.0.4: fix an alignment issue when the PayPal alternate button is set up in the cart page.
  • 20th December 2016 - 5.0.3: fix an issue when setting up a link on featured images section with the collage mode would lead images to be slightly misaligned / fix a bug where related products did not always display properly if your collection contains more than 50 products.
  • 15th December 2016 - 5.0.1: when setting up a very dark background (black) with white text, form inputs text color is automatically adjusted to stay readable.
  • 18th November 2016 - 5.0.0: this new version comes with a complete support of sections.