
The Slideshow (also known as carousel or banner) is a popular section that allows you to show one or multiple full-page images (and/or video; it is only available on our themes Prestige and Impact). A slideshow is typically found as the first section on the home page to create an impactful impression on your customers.

Adding a slideshow

All our themes are pre-configured with a slideshow section on the home page. If you have deleted it or would like to add a new one, open the theme editor, click on "Add section" and select "Slideshow".


How many slides should I have?

While it might be tempting to add a lot of slides, we recommend you limit yourself to two or three. By creating too many slides, many customers will probably never see the fourth slide and after.

How to make a specific slide clickable?

Slides can show a button to create a link to another page. It might be desirable, though, to make the whole banner clickable. To do that, configure the slide so that the "Button 1 link" (or "Button link" on some theme) is configured with a link and that the "Button text" is left empty. The slide will become fully clickable.

Does it impact performance?

A slideshow does not negatively impact performance, as the theme uses efficient code. However, because the slideshow is usually the first section on the page, the images you upload must be optimized to load fast. We highly recommend you use an image in JPG format (avoid PNG format as PNG images tend to be way bigger), and optimize your images using a service like TinyJPG. If you decide to use a video for a slide, use a MP4 video and try to use a short video of a few seconds (avoid very long videos).

Images are cut

By default, the slideshow is configured not to cut (crop) images. However, the slideshow also offers an "Image size" setting that allows you to force a fixed size for the slideshow (small, medium, large, etc.). When selecting one of those fixed sizes, the theme must resize your images so that they can fit into the allocated space. This resizing causes your images to be cut. If you want to ensure that slideshow images are never cropped, you must select the "Original image size" setting.