Configuring payment method icons

All our themes shows, by default, the supported payment methods icons in the footer. In case you disabled the feature by mistake, to re-enable this setting, open the theme editor and click on the "Footer" section:

And turn on the "Show payment methods" setting:


How the icons are selected?

The supported payment methods are not directly controlled by the theme. Rather, they are returned by Shopify to the theme based on your enabled payment providers. If a specific payment icon does not appear, double check your payment providers to ensure the payment method is correctly enabled.

How to add custom payment icon such as Klarna or AfterPay?

Because the theme does not control the enabled payment methods, if some icons are not automatically displayed, you will need to reach the support of the respective payment method (such as Klarna or AfterPay) to ask them to edit the code to add their icons. Our support team does not provide any support to do that.