Impact demo store reference

Our demo stores are built entirely using the theme sections, without any apps, and can be used as a reference to see what the theme is capable of.

While we encourage you to experiment directly in the theme editor and build a unique store, we have included the sections we have used to build the home page of our demos below.

Sound demo

Header group

In the header group, we decided to use a traditional announcement bar that scrolls above the header. You can click and drag the 'little dots' to place the Announcement bar below the header if you prefer, or click the 'eyeball' icon to hide it.

Template sections

Our demo main home page is quite modest, with 16 sections. For best performance, we recommend you do the same and limit to about 15 sections.

In this demo, we focused on a lot of media-oriented sections.

Footer group

The footer group helps add sections that are visible on every page. This simplifies maintenance as you only need to edit the content once to reflect it everywhere.

We used the section "Text with icons" which allows us to display some trust information.