Dynamic payment buttons

The dynamic payment button is an optional feature that is displayed on the product page (as well as the featured product section) to allow buyers to purchase a product with one click, using an accelerated payment method (such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Shop Pay).

Understanding the dynamic button

While this button is enabled by default, not all stores benefit from it, and it might make sense to turn it off. Especially keep in mind the following when using the dynamic checkout button:

  • When clicking on this button, the current content of the cart is ignored, and only this specific product can be purchased. Therefore, this button benefits merchants that sell one product per order most. If you often sell more than one product per order, then it might be better to turn it off to reduce buyer confusion.
  • The dynamic button does not currently work with subscriptions. If you offer subscriptions for most of your products, you should disable it to avoid a performance hit.

Controlling displayed payment method

When using this button, Shopify will automatically display the fastest payment button based on the user's preference and your enabled payment methods.

For instance, a buyer using an iPhone with Apple Pay configured will see a "Pay with Apple Pay" button, while an Android user might see a "Pay with Google" or "Pay with Amazon" button.

It is not possible to control the payment method being displayed. Shopify automatically chooses it based on the buyer's preference, and the theme cannot force a different payment method. If you think this is important, we recommend contacting Shopify support, explaining your use case, and suggesting they add this to the core platform.

Changing the wording/appearance of the button

It is not currently possible to change either the wording or the appearance of the dynamic checkout button. The colors and icons of branded buttons, such as ShopPay, PayPal, Google or Apple Pay cannot be changed due to licensing reasons with those payment providers.

We recommend you contact Shopify support and suggest this improvement if you feel it is vital for your business.

Performance implication

Due to its complex nature, the dynamic checkout button needs to load many scripts, which can impact your store's performance. Those scripts are automatically loaded by Shopify when the button is enabled, and it is, therefore, outside our theme's control.

If performance is your priority, consider disabling this feature in your store. Remember that this feature can also increase conversion rates, so accepting a minor performance hit might be worth it. As always, we recommend that you A/B test it and choose the best option for your audience.

Enabling/disabling button

1/ Open the theme editor.

2/ In the page selector, click on "Product" > "Default template":

3/ Click on the "Product page" section:

4/ Select the "Buy buttons" block:

5/ Turn on or off the "Show dynamic checkout button" setting:

If the button is not visible despite enabling it, it might be because of an app you use. Especially with this button not being compatible with subscriptions, subscription app will automatically hide the button. Other apps like pre-order, discount, or gift apps might hide the button.