Adding Pinterest "Add to cart" code

Those instructions only apply to Prestige and Warehouse themes. If you are using another theme, you can reach us at support.

If you cannot use the native Pinterest app for Shopify, you will need to install the code yourself, by following those instructions. While steps 1 & 2 are generic (if you have any trouble, you should reach Pinterest support to help you adding them), the step 3 ("Add to cart" code) is dependent of the theme. You can follow those instructions to do that.


Open the list of themes in your Shopify admin and, for the theme you want to add the code, click on "More actions" then "Edit code" (please note you need to have the theme purchased to do that):


In the "Assets" folder, click on "custom.js" file (note that depending on your theme and the custom code you have installed, you may have more files than what is shown in the screenshot below):


Add the end of the file, copy-paste the following code:

document.addEventListener('product:added', function(event) {
  pintrk('track', 'addtocart');

If you want to get the variant ID, you can get it by using "" code.


Click on "Save" button to preserve the change: