How to setup group filtering?

This is currently only supported in our themes Prestige and Warehouse.

The instructions to setup filtering with multiple categories greatly depend on the version of the theme you are using. To know more about which version of the theme you are using, please click here to see the instructions. Then, make sure to select the instructions that apply to your version. Using instructions that do not apply to your version will not work.

Warehouse v2 or Prestige v5

If you are using an Online Store 2.0 compatible theme, using filtering by tag is no longer supported. Instead, you need to use the new facetted filtering system. This remove the need to manually create tag, by re-using your product information. You can learn more about how to configure this system by checking official Shopify documentation:

As of today, the new system does not allow to use filtering by tags nor custom criteria. Shopify has plan to expand the new filtering system to make it more flexible in the near future. If you have a specific use case that is not achievable, we would recommend you to reach Shopify support to let them know about it. This will help Shopify to better understand merchants' needs and better prioritize new features.

Warehouse v1 or Prestige v1, v2, v3, v4

Shopify only supports filtering by tag, which can feel a bit limited for more complex use cases. However, our themes Prestige and Warehouse take product tags to the next level by allowing you to create group of tags, as shown below:

This feature is, however, disabled by default. To enable it, please follow those instructions:


Open the theme editor and, in the page selector at the top, choose "Collections":

Then, select "Default template":


Once the page has reloaded, click on the section called "Collection page":


Select "By group" for the "Mode" setting. You can also enable the "Show filter color swatch" to turn your color tag into a color swatch.


Finally, you will need to make sure to update all your product tags to make sure they are following the correct naming convention. The naming convention is Group_Value. For instance, let's say that you'd like to create a group Color, with various filters inside. To do that, go through your products, and add tags such as Color_Red, Color_Green, Color_Blue... You need to make sure to tag all your products that you would like to be filterable.