Compare at price are not visible on some markets

Before showing compare at prices in European Union countries, make sure that you comply with local regulations by reaching Shopify support or a lawyer. We cannot be held responsible for any legal issues you may encounter by showing compare at prices.

If your store is based in a country outside the European Union  and you create a market to sell your products in a European Union country, Shopify will, by default, hide any compare at price that you may have set up.

This protects you from unknowingly violating the EU Price Indication Directive. European Union laws have very strict rules regarding how prices are shown to customers. If you would like to show compare at price nonetheless, you will need to make sure that your prices comply with European Union laws and either:

  • Disable the "Hide compare-at prices for EEA customers" setting in your Shopify Market preferences.
  • Define market-specific compare-at-prices for the market that has European countries.

You can find more information in Shopify official documentation by clicking here. If you need further assistance on this, please reach Shopify support directly.